Real Estate Developer

Amobee’s Location Targeting capabilities increased new Condominium website engagement rate by 24x

Improved brand performance through Deterministic Telco-Based Data and Brand Intelligence


Generate awareness around the newly launched Condominium by driving interested users to their website, and for them to engage within it as well.

  • Increase page lands to the new Condominium launch website 
  • Upon landing, increase the engagement rate within the website
  • Using Amobee’s Brand Intelligence tool, the team was able to identify key areas in Singapore based on Interest and relevant targeting points for the advertiser. After which, the team utilized Amobee’s Location Targeting capabilities to drive accurate and scalable targeting.
  • In addition to the above, ACCSS layered on Amobee’s telco-based Data to accurately target the Real Estate and Luxury Segments Audiences within the targeted locations.
  • In order to increase Engagement Rate for this campaign, ACCSS used its Rich Media Lite product offering to create quick and interactive creatives such as Interactive Cube and Flipbook, showcasing different visuals of the new Condominium’s development.
  • These creatives provided consumers with an interactive and cinematic brand experience and have achieved 10x higher engagement rate than the industry average, and 24x higher than the client’s goal.


increase in engagement rate

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